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facts about modern theatre

Globe Theater by 16machicyn . 1. Punchdrunk’s production of The Drowned Man: A Hollywood Fable , for example, insisted that audience members wore masks. Modern theatre has its roots in Ancient Greece, with theatre’s origins thought to go back as far as 535 BC. 10 Random Facts About The Modern World That You're Better Off Knowing. 1. SELF. Richard Dutton is a Humanities Distinguished Professor at Ohio State University and chair of its English department. To some degree, modern theatre is based on concepts developed by Aristotle, who proposed that drama could reveal universal truths. 10 Random Facts About The Modern World That You're Better Off Knowing. Henry Arthur Jones (1851-1929) was the first modern English dramatist to seek high literary place for his plays. chorus, in drama and music, those who perform vocally in a group as opposed to those who perform singly. 6. Naturally, we turned to art to try … Times were tough: during World War Two, his father was injured and ultimately disabled by a grenade, and during the Siege of Leningrad his mother was trapped and nearly starved to death. 10 Random Facts About The Modern World That You're Better Off Knowing. Modern Theater. Everything you need to know about Modern Theatre. When first performed, these plays shocked their audiences as they were startlingly different than anything that had been previously staged. Postmodern theatre emerged as a reaction against modernist theatre. 7. As a leader of the Enlightenment, he influenced European scientists.He even was the first thing many Europeans … The façade of the historic building was taken apart stone by stone and sent to a masonry … Supplement to Unit 5 of Dr. Brian Ray’s THEA 1100 – Theatre Appreciation. One of the major developments … The orchestra was the area at the centre of the theatre where the actual play would take place. 20 Facts About Greek Theatre. Born in Skien in Telemark 20 March 1828, died in Kristiania (now Oslo) 23 May 1906. There … Explore the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres, Spain. Some aspects of the design of the original Globe, such as the shape of the stage, are not known for certain. A drama is a story that is acted out for an audience. Written music pieces of Greek music survives in a fragmentary form including the … The View: The top floor of the Switch House is a viewing terrace with spectacular vistas over the London skyline and can be accessed free of charge! In general, modern drama tends to refer to plays written from the late 1800s to the present day. It’s all about being sentimental! 2. In 1997, the modern Globe Theatre was opened in London. Within two hours the theatre was burnt to the ground, to be rebuilt the following year. ALL BUFFS ARE WELCOME! • Dates back to the late 1800s • The industrial revolution was on its … Cinema 1 (Main Theatre) 179 seats Classic cinema seats Perfect for live entertainment Offers backstage facilities for performers Available … The theatre is certainly not the most momentous or world-shattering of subjects, but it is an inexhaustible one, and always capable of engaging attention and sustaining interest. 2105 photo of the Greek Theatre of Dionysus in Athens #2 Greek tragedy went on to hugely influence western theatre. Everything is Art. Sadly, … Great artists like Diego Veláques, Francisco Goya, El Greco and Joan Miró all hailed from Spain. Making Theatre Green A year of working with the Theatre Green Book Monday 6 June 2022, 11am-4.30pm, Olivier Theatre, Dorfman Theatre and online . Elsewhere we give an overview of life at The Globe Theatre in Shakespeare’s time , and paint a picture of the entertainment available at The Globe … but if you’re after interesting facts about Shakespeare’s Globe Theater, either watch this video, or scroll down to read the rest of the post (or do both! The studio produced over more than 150 films until 1982 in Tamil, Telugu, … The Olivier Theatre reopened in October with Clint Dyer and Roy Williams’ Death of England: Delroy and in November with Dick Whittington by Jude Christian and Cariad Lloyd. Our new CrystalGraphics Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint is a collection of over 1000 impressively designed data-driven chart and editable diagram s guaranteed to impress any audience. Visitors in Tate Modern, London. r/Theatre. An Important Discovery. had begun as experiment to make theatre more useful to society, and Greek … A good melodrama is always sentimental. Lead actor Richard Burbage and his brother had the largest piece of the pie (25% each) whereas Shakespeare owned just 12.5%. Little is known about early Greek theatre because not much information has survived the centuries. The first people we know created plays were the Ancient Greeks, about the year 500 B.C. Therefore, things have always been the same and are unchangeable. A work of musical theater is called a musical. Most actors not only have their normal rehearsals but partake in vocal … Did you know…? We all know we need to act on the climate crisis. The word ‘theatre’ comes from the Greek ‘theatron’ meaning ‘a … Interestingly enough, this … By giving kids with ASD an … The view of the dome of St … On this page we’ve picked out the top, verified Globe Theatre facts. CC BY-NC-SA. Post-modern theatre is a recent phenomenon in world theatre, coming as it does out of the postmodern philosophy that originated in Europe in the middle of the 20th century. Tate Modern was opened back in the year 2000 on May 11. Postmodern Theatre emerged as a reaction against Modernist Theatre, and its trappings of strict style and didacticism. In 1613, a terrible fire destroyed the theater where the Bard first staged Hamlet. Dancers have taken Contemporary dancing to a whole new level over the last six decades. Shop Wings (Paul Mccartney'S Group)'s Facts about a pop group Book for sale by vinyltap at 7.01 € on CDandLP - Ref:1156136134 Everything you need to know about Modern Theatre. However, the first written legend that was technically a play prototype … 22 Amazing Globe Theatre Facts: Shakespeare's Globe Theatre The word 'theatre' comes from a Greek verb meaning 'to behold' [GETTY] 1. Modern theater. Greek theatre buildings had three main elements: the orchestra, the skene, and the theatron.The orchestra was the area at the centre of the theatre where the actual play would take place.It was usually rectangular or circular. Tragedy, a genre which focuses on human suffering, was the most appreciated theatrical form in ancient Greece. facts about modern theatre Toggle navigation thursday night football tonight 2021. north carolina education ranking 2020; storm phaze iii bowling ball; best rooftop restaurants in the world; … Made his debut as a writer with “Catalina” in 1850. 20th Century Facts. Many of them are also animated. The only thing Shakespeare left to his wife in his will was the second-best bed in the house. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Globe Theatre by Sanorah Eldred. Fact #3. Facts … 6 years ago. Theatre is a wild and wacky industry, here's just a small selection of incredible facts about theatreland: 1. You can fit the whole of the Fortune Theatre on the stage of the Dominion Theatre 2. Shakespeare's Globe is the only building in London allowed to have a thatched roof since the Great Fire in 1666 3. The word theater can also refer to everything involved in producing a live staged performance. Here are 10 strange facts to get you started. These choruses gradually began dressing up in costume or masks, but still did not … This, however, changed after independence, as many Indians entered the fray and theatre slowly … People just danced uncontrollably until they collapsed!One other famous case involved people dancing on a bridge. Some theatres, such as The Lowry (pictured), are All of these different forms of theatre have common similarities however that were inherited from the past. Introduction. Norwegian playwright, theatre director and poet, and considered the father of modern realistic drama. Modern theatre has its roots in Ancient Greece, with theatre’s origins thought to go back as far as 535 BC. However, the first written legend that was technically a play prototype was penned in 300 BC. After the dawn of theatre in Greece, it took around 200 years before the first painted scenery and stage machinery was added. Many are aware of the fact that Ancient Greece gave birth to western philosophy, theater, democracy, and the olympic games. In these fact sheets, students will read about how the third Globe theatre was built and how it both differs and is alike to the original.A printable version of this synopsis is available in the downloads section below.The Third, or reconstructed, GlobeThe current Shakespeare’s Globe in London can be called the third (reconstructed) Globe. All content from Kiddle encyclopedia articles (including the article images and facts) can be freely used for personal and educational purposes under … He made no mention of his career in his will – and he showed great knowledge … 6. Improvement in travel in general made it possible to increase the links between the two systems early in the 20th century, and the exchange of productions further extended the possibilities of profitable exploitation. Modern theatre began around 1885 with the revolt of the younger generation against the material injustices of society. The stage is 1.3m², though on the plus side all shows … Globe Theater by 16machicyn. He proceeds to … Globe Theatre Fact 3 The Globe was built as a large, round, open-air theatre. The revels (dances, songs, and choral responses) evolved into spoken drama in 535 b.c.e., when the playwright Thespis introduced an actor to respond to the chorus leader. Actor James Burbage had built the cleverly named venue, The Theatre, in 1576 but due to a dispute with the landlord, Giles Allen, it closed 20 years later. Even though this was a long time ago, we still clearly see its effects today in modern dramas. His will reads: ‘“I gyve unto my wife my second best bed with the furniture”. The chorus in Classical Greek drama was a group of actors who described and commented upon the main action of a play with song, dance, and recitation. A rich blend of music, dance, mime, and spectacular staging and costuming, it has been a major theatrical form in Japan for four centuries. Drama is used to enlighten, amuse, shock, comment and educate. Postmodern Theatre is based on the idea that there is no Grand Narrative or Ultimate Truth. Shakespeare’s will was slightly strange. The word 'thespian' comes from the first person to … This is because society has progressed and women are seen as equals in all walks of life whereas in Greek times they were very much second class citizens. –Arthur Miller. Classroom resource Shakespeare’s Language of the Theatre This activity looks at location, emotion, and action in an excerpt from Romeo and Juliet. Thus modern western theatre may be traced to theatre in ancient Greece. You can visit the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres, Catalonia. Kabuki, traditional Japanese popular drama with singing and dancing performed in a highly stylized manner. 0. The theater that we experience today differs vastly than the theater of the past — not only in comfort and environment, but also in the material that we consume. All The World's a Stage: 10 … source: Wikipedia, image: 30. • There were huge advancements. The most common form of theater is a drama , or play. Post … World Theatre Day was initiated in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute (ITI). This span of years includes things like the end of the Civil War, both World Wars, The Cold War, and Vietnam. It opened back in 2008 and seats just eight people. He has published widely on early modern drama, especially on … Modern Theatre dance is a rhythmic dance style rooted in musical theatre, which originated in America. 24. The 20 th century was a period of change and … Read the hard facts about modern theatre by theatre creators. To a certain degree, modern theater is based on concepts developed by Aristotle, who believed drama could reveal universal truths. Verfremdungseffekt - has been translated as “alienation effect.” Marx … The word ‘background’ originally denoted the part of the stage farthest from the audience; it first appears in a play by William Wycherley. It’s really, really emotionally difficult to throw away those beat-up character shoes, even though the … The skene was the building located right … Despite what happens in the plot and the dangerous things that happen to the characters, the hero always marries the heroine … 10 Interesting Facts about The Globe Theatre | In Fact Collaborative. Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre came to a premature end on 29th June 1613 after a cannon shot set fire to the thatched roof during a performance of Henry VIII. 10 Interesting Facts about Shakespeare Globe Theatre | 10 Interesting Facts. It is thought that it was built in 1599, only four years before Elizabeth I died and the Tudor period came to an end. Many scholars wonder if Shakespeare actually wrote his plays! Search within r/Theatre. American theatre is very diverse, it contains many different styles of theatre that includes traditional theatre in the form of Shakespeare plays, but it also extends out as far as Cirque De Soleil and the modern Broadway musicals. In some low-key, … Comments . Putin’s birth in October 1952 was preceded by the deaths of two brothers, … The Globe was owned by six ‘sharers’. It is the work of many people; but it … It’s so much more like life. 4. 25 Million In The First Year. 1-5 Musicians Facts 1. Modern Theatre Examination Profile: This profile will explain how your child’s Modern classes will run. Souvik Ray Updated on Nov 19, 2015, 05:01 IST. Self. … It all began in Africa. It is fixed since the 17th century on five main themes, that also constitute the five acts of a play, always performed in the same order: Kamimono (神物) or "Gods’ Noh": the shite interprets a god appearing under the guise of an elderly man. Melodramatic plays usually included music, a clear good-and-evil dichotomy, and a happy ending. The flood happened when the Horse Shoe Brewery burst open and flooded the surrounding area, … Here are 10 facts about Vladimir Putin. 9. Modern Theatre Theatres were often very large and could hold many people. In the first year of its opening, it received 5.25 million visitors. 14. The Modern Art Era is a period of time that started in 1865 and lasted through the 1970s. It’s not the real Globe. A theater is a place where people go to see plays and other performances. Benjamin Franklin (January 17, 1706 – April 17, 1790) was an American statesman and scientist. Postmodern theatre is a recent phenomenon in world theatre, coming as it does out of the postmodern philosophy that originated in Europe in the 1960s. Shakespeare’s Globe, which is just footsteps from Tate Modern, is not the original structure from 1599, but a reconstruction from the 1990s. A modern depiction of the festival of Dionysia in ancient Greece #4 Greek theatre buildings comprised of orchestra, skene and theatron. Introduction • This is the period of theater that we are currently in. It’s first recorded in 1855 in a book by G. H. Lewes. Log In Sign Up. 1. The beginnings of Greek theatre have been found to have started in the 6th century B.C. The old superstition of no whistling on stage comes from the time when theatres used to hire sailors as stagehands and riggers, and cues were called using whistling commands. The smallest regularly operating theatre is the Kremlhoftheater in Austria. Drama: Modern Western Theater | Facts about Ancient Greek Theatre 6: The structure of a Greek Comedy. The theater, which has a capacity of 1,506, opened in 1914 as Hurtig & Seamon’s New Burlesque Theater and was designed by George … Lifestyle. The new Globe Theatre is not a perfect replica of the original building. In modern theater, in shows, such as The Lion King, the actors enter through the house entrances, drawing the audience in and getting their attention. This is looked at on an individual basis rather than as a group of students. The stage is used by dramatists to give expression to certain ideas … They were used for music, songs, and dances in honor of the Greek gods. History of Theatre: 20 th Century Modern Theatre. 1. 6. 1. Company Name: Contemporary Theatre (previously 1520 Theatre and 1520 Contemporary Theatre) Established: In 1963 Bill Martin founded 1520 Theatre (the name indicating the age … In the late 1940s, young Bedouin shepherds on the West Bank by the Dead Sea were having a normal day guiding and tending to their flocks. 5 Awesome Facts about Modern Art BY GABE NELSON. Ibsen is often referred to as the “father of modern drama,” as the 1879 debut of his play A Doll’s House marks the beginning of the modern theater movement for many scholars. It was usually rectangular or circular. User account menu. Musical theatre has been used as a form of therapy for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and it has proven to be effective. A primary characteristic of mime theater is body expression in its maximum exaltation, both of the face and the body, with which the whole language of thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions is communicated to the spectator, making use only of non … Saints a Sinners (1884) was the first play to strike out at Victorianism. Melodrama was particularly popular in 19th century America. It is not a spec The music theatre program is housed in Center for the Arts, a 75,000-square-foot facility specifically designed for teaching and performance. Musical theater (or musical theatre) is a kind of performance in a theater. Though sentimental and melodramatic, the play is the theatre's opening attack against the deadening morality and hypocritical respectability of the Victorian age. Whether you're a Broadway enthusiast or not, these fun facts about the … (Yesterday is presented in terms of today.) Western theater tradition has its foundations in the Greek celebrations performed in the sixth century b.c.e., honoring Dionysus, the god of wine and revelry. Main page: Theatre of Ancient Greece. Suffolk University began work on its new Modern Theatre residence hall and theatre in 2008. Ibsen is often referred to as the “father of modern drama,” as the 1879 debut of his play A Doll’s House marks the beginning of the modern theater movement for many scholars. KULESZA , SEVERYN R. Modern ... Modern theatre practice . The theory of music consisted from acoustic, harmonic and melody studies; besides, the earliest surviving text on music is the Harmonic Elements of Aristoxenos, which was written in the 4 th century BC. Where drama has kept … In fact, many of them were labelled as “anti-plays.”. Fans of Picasso can visit the Picasso Museum in Barcelona. These facts are … Below is a list of some articles and categories to help you research different topics for school homework help, homeschooling and general education. The Theatre of the Absurd is a movement made up of many diverse plays, most of which were written between 1940 and 1960. Some modern theatre companies regularly use masks. DRAMA: MODERN WESTERN THEATER Where religion has kept alive its affinity with dance, drum, and the dramatic appearance of the gods, it has remained vital. ISTD Modern Theatre – Students will be offered these exams once the teacher feels the student has reached the required standard. The gallery is quite famous among the people in the UK. (See our article on interesting facts on The Globe Theatre.) Batu Klont Fact sheet about Sheakspeare’s Globe Theatre 10 1 2015. The living and working conditions were appalling and going to see a melodrama in the theatre was a welcome relief and escape from the harsh realities of life. Facts for executive attention , Modern riding . The Dominion Theatre stands upon the site of the Great Beer Flood of 1814. It wasn’t always called the Apollo theater. Robertson was a man of the theatre. facts about modern theatre Toggle navigation thursday night football tonight 2021. north carolina education ranking 2020; storm phaze iii bowling ball; best rooftop restaurants in the world; mass effect 3 intel upgrades; leadership smart goals in nursing examples; careerbuilder glassdoor ; nassau county civil service lists; the charming empire characters; soccer drills for 7 … Most postmodern productions are centered on highlighting the fallibility of definite truth, instead encouraging the … The shape of the theatres gave everyone in the audience excellent viewing and also meant they could hear the actors well too. The stage was raised within the circle – this shape made sure all the audience could see and helped amplify the sound. Very important visitors would sit in the front seats. Greek plays were either comedies or tragedies. Outbreaks of the Bubonic Plague were so serious in London that the Globe Theatre was forced to close in 1603 and 1608 to restrict its’ spread. He grew up in poverty . 1. [11] Opera's origins are typically traced to the dramas of ancient Greece, though the Egyptians had been performing the Heb-Sed (or Feast of the Tail) for 2,000 . They divided plays into two kinds: tragedy and comedy. Introduction to Theatre -- The Director Staging the Play. Greek tragedy had its beginnings in choral performances, in which a group of 50 men danced and sang … theatre; 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Theatre. Putin’s parents married at 17. The word theatre comes from an ancient Greek word meaning a ‘place for seeing.’. 280,000 … Photo Courtesy: Otterbein University Theatre & Dance/Wikipedia The Modern Art Era is a period of time that started in 1865 and lasted through the 1970s. +230 5865 7234 / +230 5899 3999 you or somebody like you keith urban As the only multi-purpose cinema in the Overberg region, we boast two modern cinemas where young and old alike can choose between the latest blockbuster movie or a live performance. The Noh theatre repertoire includes about 240 plays, derived from the Japanese classical literature or old legends. This sub is aimed at professionals in the theatre community … Press J to jump to the feed. THEATRICAL COSTUME. William Shakespeare Facts Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing Modern Theatre also incorporates jazz, lyrical and contemporary dance styles into its examination syllabus. Indigenous customs, such as storytelling, ritual, dance, and masquerades, are the oldest types of theater on the continent. In today’s modern society everyone is considered equal, therefore if you have enough money you can sit wherever you like in the theatre. The stage is put in the center with the audience usually in the front and on the sides of the stage, but rarely behind. The green room is always full of food but none of it will help with that high belt. Some theatres, for example, the Cockpit theatre in London is what they call a round Use the search form above to search for facts in the Kiddle encyclopedia (Kpedia). The term kabuki originally suggested the unorthodox and shocking character of this art form. The first performance of tragedy at the Dionysia is attributed to the … Burbage … According to evidence, Greeks started to study the theory of music from the 6 th century BC. The Globe Theatre burnt … It explores in detail thirty of the … The centerpiece stage is McCrary Theatre, a fully equipped performance space with seating for 575. From The Modern Theatre is the Epic Theatre - Aristotelian theatre has reduced the spectator to passivity. Found the internet! English theatre was brought to India during the British rule and was watched mostly by art connoisseurs of the rich, upper class. The Ancient Greek drama, is a theatrical culture that flourished in ancient Greece from c. 700 BC. Instagram. Athens Drama Festival originated from the Great … American Theater. Wearing Many Hats. 1. The Globe Theatre burned down. The most … A FEW FUN FACTS. Modern Theaters Ltd was an Indian film studio in Salem, Tamil Nadu started by T. R. Sundaram Mudaliar in 1935. Andre Tchaikowsky gave his skull to the Royal Shakespeare Company to be used as the skull of Yorick. 3/9/2021 Contemporary Dance History. Sidney Jones' the Geisha (1898), one of the first musicals. It uses acting, … William Shakespeare Facts Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing Modern Theatre also incorporates jazz, lyrical and contemporary dance styles into its examination syllabus. 1) The original theatre is only just a Tudor building. The “furniture” refers to … 5. It is often seen in musical productions and is known for its dynamic theatrical … ‘Scenario’ originally denoted the front of a classical theatre; it first appears in … Sitting near the front might be fun for some but it’s not the best idea for your hearing. In modern Japanese, the word is … Certain compromises also had to be made to meet modern fire-safety regulations. Modern masters Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalí were also Spanish. Theater in Africa takes many different forms and comes from diverse roots. 5 Awesome Facts about Modern Art BY GABE NELSON. 8. Contemporary Theatre can involve all types of text, objects, … Interestingly enough, this period of history marks some very tumultuous times. visit "A Play On Words" a blog with compelling reviews every … Post-modern theatre is a recent phenomenon in world theatre, coming as it does out of the postmodern philosophy that originated in Europe in the middle of the 20th century. He has also been known as "the First American". 3.3 K Shares. Postmodern art is a body of art movements that sought to contradict some aspects of modernism or some aspects that … The Indian … 10 Facts on Postmodernism. Modern theatre began around 1885 with the revolt of the younger generation against the material injustices of society. The new Globe Theatre opened in 1997. Découvrez le CD Sixto Rodriguez All the facts, CDADTA7016 - South Africa, 2009, Pt Music sur CDandLP - Ref:2403857621 He was a very important person in the American Revolution and helped make the Thirteen Colonies one nation. Choruses began performing hymns written in his honor, which were dubbed dithyrambs. Modern Theatres 1950 – 2020 is an investigation of theatres, concert halls, and opera houses in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North and South America. Modern Theatre The modern theatre in India comprises mainly of English, Hindi and Hinglish (comprising of a mix of Hindi and English dialogues) plays. “I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General”, commonly referred to as “The Major-General’s Song”, from Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Pirates of Penzance is a comedic patter song Ten Fun Facts about Shakespeare's Theatre More details about the Shakespeare's theatre, including ten facts you might find surprising. Sadly, though, it has a bad reputation as “the nadir of the English drama.”1 Other than late-century playwrights like Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw, most writers for the nineteenth … Theatre Facts TCG has published Theatre Facts—the only in-depth report examining the attendance, performance, and overall fiscal state of the U.S. professional not-for-profit theatre … Globe Theatre Fact 16. However, some modern versions of mime theater also combine these two types into an interesting performance. Theories about modern theatre suggest that … The … The movies are a lot of fun to go to, but it’s kind of important to learn a few things as you go. The 41 theatres that span the Manhattan thoroughfare is the beating heart of NYC's performing arts culture. Also women can attend and enjoy the exact same privileges as men. So realism becomes the … 21st century: Modern theatre Theatre today ranges from big budget musicals and plays on New York’s Broadway and in London’s West End to local ‘fringe’ productions and amateur dramatics, such as The Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Having a part in a musical is so much more work than just learning lines and singing them. Dans le théâtre postmoderne, les membres du public sont des participants, souvent les acteurs et le public interagissant et créant ensemble l’expérience théâtrale. So much so that Broadway has also become a shorthand for the concept of theatre itself! Those in revolt founded so-called independent theatres to present a more critical or scientific view of the workings of society or so-called art theatres to rise above vulgar … Recommandé pour vous en fonction de ce qui est populaire • Avis Realism had begun as experiment to make theatre more useful to society, and as a reaction against melodrama, those highly romanticized plays. 2. Modern Theater. 27. The Theatre is so endlessly fascinating because it’s so accidental. This … A feeling that nothing can be changed. ). Brecht wanted to show the possibilities for change. They are all artistically enhanced with visually stunning color, shadow and lighting effects. Full name: Henrik Johan Ibsen. Broadway theatre, commonly known as “Broadway,” is practically synonymous to New York. Postmodern theatre is a recent phenomenon in world theatre, coming as it does out of the postmodern philosophy that originated in Europe in the middle of the twentieth century. People can go to watch plays – just like in Shakespeare’s day! HISTORY 554S. A reconstruction of the original, it’s just a few hundred metres from where the original one once stood.

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facts about modern theatre