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alexandra de hoop scheffer

Dr. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer is an associate professor at Sciences Po Paris. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer est politologue spécialiste des Etats-Unis. Refounding Europe Eye on Europe. Elle est l'auteur de l'ouvrage Hamlet en Irak, CNRS éditions, 2007 et de nombreux articles sur les questions de politique étrangère américaine. She argued that the main dividing lines in this Presidential campaign surround France's future . "This war is accelerating Europe's awakening to the real threat posed by Russia," said Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, transatlantic security research director for the German Marshall Fund . . We really appreciate your time. Priorities; Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer; In Hérodote Volume 184-185, Issue 1-2, January 2022; Abstract . You may also search for Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer on French Edition 20 journal article "America is Back" in multilateralism: Enduring Trumpism and rallying strategy around U.S. Les Musées et le mouvement des arts . She has also been a lecturer in International relations at Sciences Po Paris since 2005. ALEXANDRA DE HOOP SCHEFFER Passionnée par les relations internationales, cette fille et petite-fille de diplomates néerlandais dirige le bureau parisien d'une organisation tissant le lien. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer : Le retrait unilatéral des États-Unis de l'accord nucléaire de 2015 a mis hors-jeu toute gestion multilatérale du dossier iranien. New Voices Research Fellows Jordan Ernstsen and Noelle Troutman produced this summary of the remarks made during the webinar. Elle est mariée à un autre ancien ministre néerlandais, Bernard (Ben) van der Linden. Jakob Gijsbert "Jaap" de Hoop Scheffer ( [ˈjaːb də ˈɦoːp ˈsxɛfər] ( listen); [1] born 3 April 1948) is a Dutch politician and diplomat of the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) party and jurist who served as Secretary General of NATO from 5 January 2004 until 1 . Hij was partijleider en fractievoorzitter in Tweede Kamer van 1997 tot 2001, minister van Buitenlandse Zaken van 2002 tot 2003 en secretaris-generaal van de NAVO van 2004 tot 2009. "If he gives the impression that he is too much aligned with Washington and Trump in particular, this can backfire domestically in France," says Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, Paris office head of . Braem Y., De Hoop Scheffer A., Olsson C, Pouyé R. (2007) Le rôle des militaires dans la reconstruction d'Etats après les conflits, Rapport Final, Paris: CPHS-C2SD Wikiquote close. Both Germany and France will have to show flexibility in the fields they dominate. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer PhD Director of Research and Director of the Paris Office at German Marshall Fund of the United States View articles by Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer PhD LA "TRUMPISATION". Green G. John Ikenberry Bruce W. Jentleson Michael A. McFaul C. Raja Mohan Laurence Nardon Robin Niblett. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Publié le 22/04/2018 12:29 Mis à jour le 22/04/2018 12:58. France Télévisions . Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer is the director of research for Transatlantic Security and the director of the Paris office of the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). Ian Lesser, Astrid Ziebarth, Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer. Membre de l'Appel chrétien-démocrate (CDA), il dirige le parti de 1997 à 2001, puis est ministre des Affaires étrangères dans les deux premiers cabinets de Jan Peter Balkenende en 2002 . Alexandra de Hoop is the director of the think tank German Marshall Fund of the United States in Paris. See also. Updated September 9, 2014, 6:24 AM. Indeed, in the months following September 11th, 2001, G. Borradori conducted a "This war is accelerating Europe's awakening to the real threat posed by Russia," said Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, transatlantic security research director for the German Marshall Fund. French First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy , U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama , Jeannine de Hoop Scheffer-van Oorschot , wife of NATO Secretary General Jaap. Share Conversation with Dr. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer: France/US Relations in the Biden Era on LinkedIn; TEACHING WHITE SUPREMACY: THE TEXTBOOK BATTLE OVER RACE IN AMERICAN HISTORY. Sécur. Docteure en science politique, Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer est diplômée de Sciences Po Paris en science politique et en relations internationales et du War Studies Department du King's College London. Subscribe to The Cable on iTunes, GooglePlay, SoundCloud, . Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer Lawrence Freedman Yoichi Funabashi Šumit Ganguly Michael J. Join the Francophone Society for a moderated conversation with Dr. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, Director of Research for Transatlantic Security and Director of GMF Paris. Après ses études secondaires, il entre à l'université de Leyde, où il obtient sa maîtrise de droit en 1974. liked it 3.00 avg rating — 1 rating — published 2015. Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Meghan O'Sullivan Vladimir Orlov Kenneth M. Pollack Mitchell B. Reiss David Shambaugh From a European perspective, Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, director of research for trans-Atlantic security at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, stated that Biden has shown the United . Want to Read. France holds the rotating presidency of the bloc until the end of June, and one of Mr. Macron's priorities will be to push forward an oil embargo on Russia, Ms. de Hoop Scheffer said, a move . He served as Germany's interior minister from 2009 to 2011 and from 2013 to 2018 and as defense . More Books by Ian Lesser, Astrid Ziebarth, Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, Michal Baranowski, Ivan Vejvoda & Gordana Delic Morocco's New Geopolitics. Her areas of expertise include geopolitics, transatlantic relations, U.S. and French foreign policies and European . By Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer (Head of German Marshall Fund in Paris, ex-French foreign ministry adviser on US) Image source, Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer. Livre:Scheffer - Herméros, 1899.djvu. Alexandra De Hoop Scheffer | Facebook Alexandra De Hoop Scheffer Politologue, directrice du Think Tank The German Marshall Fund of the United States en France. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, director of the Paris office of the German Marshall Fund, a think tank, said the submarine deal represented a "brutal clarification" of a changing transatlantic . Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, German Marshall Fund - De todo. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Pr . Pictured is Dr Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, Director of the Paris Office of the German Marshall Fund of the United States at the Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) in Dublin. Alexandra a 5 postes sur son profil. August 31, 2016 Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer is a senior trans-Atlantic fellow and the director of the Paris office of the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Thank you for your interest in the Transatlantic Trends, which everyone can now access. From 2010 to 2013, she was an advisor to NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe. Diversity & Inclusion. Besides that, Alexandra de Hoop is a Political scientist, specialist in transatlantic and international relations. ALEXANDRA DE HOOP SCHEFFER, German Marshall Fund of the United States: He has strong positions in terms of reducing French public spending. Voir le profil de Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer sur LinkedIn, le plus grand réseau professionnel mondial. "This war is accelerating Europe's awakening to the real threat posed by Russia," said Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, transatlantic security research director for the German Marshall Fund. Indeed, in the months following September 11th, 2001, G. Borradori conducted a Wikisource close. Indeed, in the months following September 11th, 2001, G. Borradori conducted a series of interviews with two of Europe's foremost philosophers, Jurgen Habermas and Jacques . Temps de lecture : 8 min. L'Otan ne joue pas de rôle . Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer hilosopher Giovanna Borradori's most recent project is an endeavour to forge a new understanding, a philosophical reflection on "terrorism" in the post-9/11 context. Louis San. A quelques jours de l'ouverture du sommet de l'OTAN le 14 juin 2021, une question centrale se pose : quel est l'avenir de la relation transatlantique ? And then you have the U.S. and the U.K. on the other side who are taking a hardline . Elle a été ministre des affaires étrangères de 2003 à 2006 dans les Cabinets Balkenende II et III. Les Maîtres d'autrefois/03. 100 1 _ ‎‡a Hoop Scheffer, Alexandra de ‏ ‎‡d 1982-‏ 4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (18) 400 1 _ ‎‡a Brown De Colstoun, Alexandra De Hoop Scheffer ‏ Friends Photos Videos More Friends Photos Videos About Work No workplaces to show College No schools to show High School No schools to show Photos See All Photos Wikibooks close. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer is an associate professor at Sciences Po Paris, a member of the advisory board of the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS), and a member of the editorial board of the Washington Quarterly journal. 2001 More ways to shop: Find an Apple Store or other retailer near you. Paper Tiger No More Berlin Policy Journal September/October 2016. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer and Irene Braam join Greg and Jonathan to discuss their new Transatlantic Trends survey from the German Marshall Fund. Refounding Europe Eye on Europe. Updated September 9, 2014, 6:24 AM. 2012 Greece's New Geopolitics. 90509776. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer: Thank you, Ambassador Sherman, thank you so much for sharing your insight with us today in between two intense diplomatic sequences. Jakob Gijsbrecht (Jaap) De Hoop Scheffer est né le 3 avril 1948 à Amsterdam. Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Meghan O'Sullivan Vladimir Orlov Kenneth M. Pollack Mitchell B. Reiss David Shambaugh by Alexandra SCHEFFER. De 1974 à 1976, il fait son service militaire dans l'armée de l'air, qu'il quitte avec le grade d'officier de réserve. Alexandra Laignel-Lavastine. Just a few, 14%, of the respondents across 11 countries surveyed perceive the EU as the most influential . LA "TRUMPISATION" DES RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES : RISQUES ET OPPORTUNITÉS Par Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer* Quelques semaines après l'investiture du président Trump, son vice-président Mike . She is an accomplished expert in geopolitics, international security, transatlantic relations, US foreign policy, French politics and foreign policy, and European affairs. Alexandra De Hoop Scheffer is known for her work on 28' (2012) and Le journal de 20 heures (1956). De 2007 à 2008, elle a été membre du Sénat. 2187 Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer.jpg. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. Links. Article rédigé par . Para mim, o que é realmente relevante é a forma como Biden enquadrou a política externa, apelidando-a de política externa para a classe média europeia. Reference. At the NEXTEUK event on 'The Impact of the US Elections on Europe and the Future EU-UK Relationship,' Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer (Director of Research, Paris Office-German Marshall Fund), Christian Lequesne (Professor at Sciences Po), and Richard Johnson, (Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London) offered their views on the impact of the . Jakob Gijsbert (Jaap) de Hoop Scheffer ( uitspraak (info / uitleg); Amsterdam, 3 april 1948) is een Nederlands oud-politicus en diplomaat van het Christen-Democratisch Appèl (CDA). en. From 2009 to 2011, Dr Scheffer served as a senior advisor for U.S. foreign policy and transatlantic relations on the Policy Planning Staff of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Jakob Gijsbert de Hoop Scheffer, dit Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, né le 3 avril 1948 à Amsterdam, est un diplomate, universitaire et homme d'État néerlandais. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer Martin Quencez. Paper Tiger No More Berlin Policy Journal September/October 2016. Photo:Leah Farrell/ ALEXANDRA DE HOOP SCHEFFER * La Europa de la defensa La propuesta de autonomía estratégica europea debería someterse a un análisis racional y colectivo que permita una mayor capacidad de obrar . Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer Lawrence Freedman Yoichi Funabashi Šumit Ganguly Michael J. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer hilosopher Giovanna Borradori's most recent project is an endeavour to forge a new understanding, a philosophical reflection on "terrorism" in the post-9/11 context. En 1976, il entre au . Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer: The United States in Iraq: The Digressions of Regime Change more. De Hoop Scheffer, who became secretary-general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in January of 2004, was chosen because he remained friendly with both the United States and France during the Iraq debate, and because he admires French and other European Jaap de Hoop Scheffer Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer est une avocate et une femme politique néerlandaise. 25/4/2017. Other Works | Publicity Listings | Official Sites. She also directs the Transatlantic Trends annual survey. The Refugee Crisis: Perspectives from Across Europe and the Atlantic. Thomas de Maizière. Photographer. fr. He wants to suppress around 500,000 public sector jobs. It's not a question of months or weeks, it's a question of days." Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer is a senior trans-Atlantic fellow and the director of the Paris office of the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer was an Associate Fellow at Ifri's United States program from 2011 to 2016. "This war is accelerating Europe's awakening to the real threat posed by Russia," said Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, transatlantic security research director for the German Marshall Fund . The Cable is a production of ICWA and the Transatlantic Democracy Working Group. View agent, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbPro . Register . Philosopher Giovanna Borradori's most recent project is an endeavour to forge a new understanding, a philosophical reflection on "terrorism" in the post-9/11 context. October 29, 2021 0 Other than that, Alexandra de Hoop is a Political researcher, expert in overseas and worldwide relations. ALEXANDRA DE HOOP SCHEFFER: So this has led France to actually lead the diplomatic effort from the front. De Maizière is a member of the German Bundestag. by. I am Alexandra De Hoop Scheffer, director of the Paris office of the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer: Ambassador Sherman, you mentioned responsibility sharing in the transatlantic relationship. August 31, 2016 Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer. In her address to the IIEA, Dr. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer argues that the Afghanistan crisis has revealed several inconvenient truths for the transatlantic . We've asked a question in the Transatlantic Trends about the perception of the influence of the EU in world affairs. The American intervention in Iraq did not have the intended domino effect as a result of the succession of regime changes, which called for democratization in the region. A virtual public event held on March 19, 2021 featured a keynote conversation with Congressman Andy Kim (D-NJ) and an expert panel with Victor Cha, Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, Sara Bjerg Moller, and Zack Cooper. In this Dutch name, the surname is De Hoop Scheffer. Docteure en science politique, diplômée de Sciences Po Paris et du War Studies Department du King's College London, elle est maître de conférence en relations internationales à Sciences Po Paris depuis 2005, chargée de mission pour les Etats-Unis et la relation transatlantique à la direction de la Prospective du . Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer Martin Quencez. Scheffer said NATO countries needed to "accelerate our support before it's too late. She is the writer of Hamlet in Iraq, an article on American procedure in Iraq, on which she did her doctoral theory. And we will be you know, watching very closely the outcomes of . 5 distinct works. She is currently the Director of GMF Paris Office. Iraq has in fact undergone what seems more like a "regime. Il s'agit de la première visite d'Etat d'un dirigeant étranger sous la présidence Trump. Or call 1-800-MY-APPLE. Depuis décembre 2011, elle est directrice du bureau de Paris du German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), un centre de recherche américain avec une forte présence en Europe et dont l'objectif principal est de renforcer le dialogue et la coopération transatlantiques sur les questions économiques . Isso diz muito sobre a forma como ele vai articular, de forma contínua, os compromissos internacionais dos EUA com o que . Patrick Porter and Michael Mazarr, "Countering China's Adventurism Over Taiwan: A Third Way," Lowy Institute, May 20, 2021 Irene Braam and Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, "Transatlantic Trends 2021," German Marshall Fund of the United States and Bertelsmann Foundation, June 2021 Oriana Skylar Mastro, "The Taiwan Temptation," Foreign Affairs, July/August 2021 De Hoop Scheffer is director of Research, Transatlantic Security and director of the Paris office at the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Peintres modernes de la France - Ary. Tue, Apr 13, 2021 1pm to 2pm Virtual Event Harvard Law School. Alexandra De Hoop Scheffer, Self: 28'. She has served as Advisor for U.S. foreign policy and transatlantic relations at the Policy Planning Department of the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. Alexandra De Hoop Scheffer is known for her work on 28' (2012) and Le journal de 20 heures (1956). Idée. Both Germany and France will have to show flexibility in the fields they dominate. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Pr Joachim Sauer, U.S First Lady Michelle Obama, U.S. President Barack Obama, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and. She has likewise been a speaker in International relations at Sciences Po Paris starting around 2005. Consultez le profil complet sur LinkedIn et découvrez les relations de Alexandra, ainsi que des emplois dans des entreprises similaires. In her address, Dr de Hoop Scheffer reflected on how international developments such as Brexit, the new Trump administration, the resurgence of Russia and the rise of the so-called Islamic State group have prompted responses from the French Presidential candidates on their foreign policy positions. She holds a PhD in political science, two master's degrees from Sciences Po Paris and a bachelor's degree in . Green G. John Ikenberry Bruce W. Jentleson Michael A. McFaul C. Raja Mohan Laurence Nardon Robin Niblett. Getting Started | Contributor Zone . By Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer (Head of German Marshall Fund in Paris, ex-French foreign ministry adviser on US) Image source, Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer. I have been coordinating with my colleagues here at GMF and with the Bertelsmann Foundation for the Transatlantic Trends Survey, which we are officially launching today. Rather than broader European unity, Ms de Hoop Scheffer predicts the UK-German-French "E3 format will probably be the main policy circle Washington will turn to when deciding important issues". Transatlantinio saugumo tyrimų vadovė ir Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų Germano Maršalo fondo Paryžiaus biuro vadovė Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer pokalbyje su IQ žurnaliste Agne Piepaliūte tvirtino, jog prireiks dešimtmečių, kad būtų apibrėžti nauji Rusijos ir Vakarų partnerių santykiai. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer a été chercheur associé à l'Ifri de 2011 à 2016.

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alexandra de hoop scheffer