Universal Mobile IACE POC Biomarker Detection

Patient Data From Point of Care through IT cloud Analysis to PCP

The universal Internet cloud based IACE biomarker detection system will not only revolutionize healthcare by early detection of disease precursors but provide a platform for optimizing health

Ubiquitous Biomarker Diagnostics Accessible and Affordable by All

The universal Internet cloud based IACE biomarker detection system will not only revolutionize healthcare by early detection of disease precursors but provide a platform for optimizing health.

Proven Results of Concentration of Immunoaffinity Plus Selectivity of Capillary Electrophoresis

The All Inclusive IACE Device

Integrating Several Component Functionalities into a Single Portable Instrument



IACE Steps

Steps of on-line sample immunoaffinity preconcentration before CE.

(A) Sample introduction and binding of analytes to the immobilized affinity ligands localized within the ACM device,
(B) washing of the excess amount of matrix containing salts and unwanted materials,
(C) introduction of a plug of an elution buffer or solution,
(D) introduction of separation buffer to push the plug of elution buffer, and
(E) initiation of the process of separation using an appropriate buffer. 

The capillary or channel can be connected to one or more detectors, preferentially UV, LIF and MS, for the quantification,
identification and characterization of the separated analytes.


source 2022 IACE overview

IACE Steps

Unidirectional vs OrthodirectionalIACE

Schematic diagram of an on-line immunocapture device containing one or more affinity selectors in immunoaffinity capillary
electrophoresis technology (IACE), prior to CE separation and detection of the captured and eluted analytes.
(A) A selector device format, known as linear or unidirectional analyte concentrator-microreactor (ACM) device or area.
(B) A selector device format, known as orthogonal ACM device or area. 

The area where an affinity ligand is immobilized has been reported in the literature as the solid-phase extraction (SPE)
analyte preconcentrator area, or the analyte concentrator microreactor (ACM) device or area.

Orthogonal IACE with Steps

Orthogonal IACE with Steps

Orthogonal IACE with Steps

Elisa vs IACE for isoform seperation

Depicts a schematic representing the main differences betrween the traditional mono-dimensional sandwich ELISA technique with the two-dimensional irnmuncapture-separation IACE. The two-dimensional IACE technology can achieve the capture, separation, and partial characterization of each individual isoform.

In contrast, the ELISA is just a single result unable to distinguish molecular differences of the Isoforms. 

Source:  p.17 Biomolecules 2021, t11, 1443